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Writer's pictureSchatz & Stancu

How To Get Assault Charges Dropped

Whenever you find yourself charged with assault, you will wonder what might happen next. Depending on the seriousness of the charges, you may face fines and even a jail or prison sentence if convicted. However, there are many instances where assault charges should never have been brought by police and prosecutors. In these situations, it is recommended everything be done to have the assault charges dropped. If you have been charged with assault but are convinced the charges should be dropped, here are some important tips on making that happen.

Contact a Lawyer

First and foremost, we at Schatz and Stancu suggest you contact a criminal defense lawyer immediately after you have been charged with assault. By doing so, you can have legal representation from the outset, allowing you to discuss the circumstances surrounding your case and the options you will have moving forward.

Examining the Evidence

At Schatz and Stancu, we have often found that by examining the evidence police and prosecutors supposedly have against you, assault charges can ultimately be dropped. By looking over police reports, witness statements, and other evidence associated with the case, we can determine the case against you is much weaker than you may think.

Filing a Motion to Dismiss

Hiring a good criminal defense lawyer in Doylestown Pa can significantly impact your case. Should we believe after examining the evidence against you that dropping the charges is warranted, we will move to file a motion to dismiss with the court. Since this is done in the very early stages of a trial, doing so successfully can allow us to wrap up your case as quickly as possible and let you resume your life.

Negotiating with Prosecutors

Many times when police and prosecutors bring assault charges against an individual, they do so despite knowing their case is somewhat weak. However, they are hoping you will be intimidated by the process and either confess to whatever crime they say you committed or simply give up and accept whatever legal fate they send your way. However, at Schatz and Stancu, we don't take this approach. Instead, we aggressively negotiate with prosecutors in these situations to get the assault charges dropped. By pointing out weaknesses and discrepancies in their case, prosecutors are soon quite willing to drop assault charges and either dismiss the case or settle for charges that are much less serious.

Should you be charged with assault, don't assume all hope is lost. Though police and prosecutors will do all they can to intimidate you, stay calm and use good judgment along the way. By contacting us here at Schatz and Stancu as soon as possible, we can meet with you and get right to work helping you clear your name and walk out of court a winner.

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